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学生 whose acute/chronic health issues or injuries cause them to be severely restricted and temporarily unable to attend school may be eligible for services through the Home/Hospital Instruction Program. Home instruction must be recommended by a licensed medical doctor who feels the student is completely unable to attend school for a period of not less than two weeks. Instruction in the home is one of the most restrictive educational placements available, and by law must be viewed as the placement of last resort, to be utilized for the shortest time necessary.

Final determination of eligibility and approval for home instruction is made by the 学生健康服务 Office of 十大菠菜导航网址.


Parents request the District Home/Hospital Instruction Form from the 学校护士 at their school site. The form must be completely filled out by the doctor in order to be considered, and must include the diagnosis and the length of time the student is anticipated to be confined. Parents must sign the front of the form. Many students with temporary health problems may still be able to attend school with modification. The modifications are determined through planning sessions with the family, 学生的医生, 学校护士, 和其他学校官员. 在某些情况下, a temporary modification of the school schedule is sufficient to accommodate the student's needs, 也不需要家教. The student may not be eligible for services if there is a contagious disease or other factors present that would jeopardize the health or safety of the teacher.


A student who is determined eligible for Home/Hospital Instruction by the 学生健康服务 staff of 长滩 Unified District may receive 300 minutes of instruction per week by a credentialed teacher (one hour per day per week). It is the responsibility of the parent to be present in the home at the time the teacher is there, 并提供一个安静, appropriate learning environment for study at that time period each day. When the physician determines that the student may return to school, his/her authorization should indicate the level of activity in addition to the limitations or instructions regarding the student's care at school.


What you should know about Home and Hospital Instruction


  • Home and hospital teaching enables schools to provide limited instruction to students who are severely restricted and unable to attend school for health reasons.
  • The student receives an hour of teacher contact for each day school is in session, 通常每周5小时. Most students prefer to see their teachers in blocks of time longer than one hour. The schedule of visits and length of stay are arranged with student and parents.
  • The home teacher typically works with student's regular teacher to continue, 尽可能多, 课堂上的作业.
  • 回到教室后, the regular teachers will take into consideration the learning reported by the home teacher, and appropriate adjustments in the student's grades are made.

它是什么? 不...

  • Home instruction is not an alternative voluntary program for student's education. The purpose of home instruction is to minimize loss of instructions while a person is too ill to attend regular school. The severity of illness is determined through a doctor's diagnosis, and educational alternatives are considered before home instruction is authorized. The student returns to regular school as soon as he/she is healthy enough to do so.
  • Because the teacher contact time is limited and because the Home/Hospital teacher may not have the academic background to teach all subjects, the instruction is not the same as regular attendance on campus. Thus, a student could be behind schedule with assignments when he/she returns to school.
  • Home instruction is not authorized by the doctor but by the 十大菠菜导航网址. The doctor may provide good medical information to 长滩 staff so a valid placement may be considered.


  • Any regularly enrolled 十大菠菜导航网址 student who will miss school for a minimum of two weeks due to a disabling medical condition may be eligible for home or hospital instruction.
  • Each student's situation is considered carefully through consultation with parents/guardians and doctors before authorization.
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